
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Turkey Day !

I usually don't do last minute shopping, especially the day before Thanksgiving, but today I went to Petsmart to get food for Oliver since he doesn't seem to tolerate his new dog food that well. I browsed around in the canned dog food section and came across some canned dog food that fits perfectly for the upcoming holiday:

What can be more perfect than Turkey Day Feast flavor canned foods for Oliver and Eddie on Thanksgiving day ? These are made by Blue Buffalo and I always love their stuff (and so do my two dogs !) because they always have meat as first ingredient, which means meat is the ingredient they use in the largest amount, which means they are very good for our dogs. I might sound like a TV commercial, but I did do my own research and find that ingredients are listed based on weight from the largest amount to the smallest and this applies to people's food as well. Another thing that I like about Blue is that they have several very unique flavors of canned dog food that I couldn't find in other brands, such as their Blue's Stew and Blue Family Favorites Recipes product lines. I have never tried the Blue's Stew variety, but I (well, Eddie and Oliver to be exact) tried one of the Blue Family Favorites Recipes called Backyard BBQ and it looks really delicious (even for people :) ) and my dogs ate them all gone in no time !

Now with the Turkey Day Feast, both Oliver and Eddie can have their own Thanksgiving feast ! I wonder what they will be thankful for this year ...

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